Sunday 15 January 2012

Journey to some of the less known destinations -An episode of Survival man...

Journey to some of the less known destinations
                                      -An episode of Survival man...

This time the journey was to some of the least known but nature’s blessed places. People who boost exotic places like Switzerland, Canada etc should visit these places. India has got some of the beautiful places which are less explored and thanks to god that these are least explored. Otherwise even these areas get commercialized. I might be biased. But I’m true and stick to it. The places are Anini, the district head quarters of Upper Dibang Valley district and Mehao Lake of Lower Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh, India. This time I would like to narrate you people about the beauty of the places as well as my experiences. Plz try to read some info on Anini in Wikipedia ( It’s Interesting... Let me split the narration into two parts. Part one will be about Anini and Part two will be about Mehao Lake.
Part 1: Travel to Anini:
Our journey started from Roing town to Anini in a Tata sumo as it is the only means of transport to reach the place. Total distance is approx 210kms. It was a packed sumo and we got 4 seats in the back row. The road passes through Mehao WS... Beauty of Mehao WS is that it has got so much of variation in its forest type from being to tropical in lower ranges and to temperate in its higher ranges. One can see the variation within few kilometers and I think it is the only sanctuary with such variation that one can get within few kilometers of travel. One can feel the sharp variation by looking at the vegetation and weather while travelling uphill. The excitement came to me when I experienced the 1st snowfall of my life at a place called Mayodia. Snow capped mountains stole my heart. It’s a beautiful place. After crossing Mayodia, the sumo travels downhill. In the middle of the journey, the sumo met with a puncture at one point. Luckily it was carrying a spare tyre, but was in a very bad condition. However the driver promised us that he’ll drive safe and will make us reach the destination. It was about 2.00 P.M. in the afternoon and everyone was so hungry. The only place at which sumo stopped was at a place called Italin. What a lovely name right. The food over there was still good. Such a nice food we had. I still remember it. Finally at around 7.00P.M., we reached Anini and were accommodated in VIP rooms at a circuit house as we were on an official work.
The morning welcomed us with the warm rays of sun. The town is surrounded by rows of hills with pine and bamboo. Few hills at distance were covered by snow. One can see the town name ANINI carved on a hill where the army bunkers are placed. The place looked like heaven. Let me put some pics.

Ok let me not extend more about this journey as the next part may take a little longer time to read. Let me shorten because more paragraphs may exhaust the readers.

Part 2: One of the Epic Journey’s of my life... Trek to Mehao Lake... An episode of Survival man
Mehao was one of my dream places to trek as I used to hear a lot about it from the tribals where I used to work. Their words are true. There are no words to express the beauty of the place. I completely fell in love with the place.
Our journey started on 1st of Jan 2012 to a place called Abango near Roing town from where we had to start the trek to reach the lake. Our trek started on plains initially and was ok. But after 4-5kms of travel, the collar bones, calf muscles were asking for rest as we were carrying more than 25kgs of luggage and also didn’t had the morning breakfast even. So we rested at a place to have the plum cake that we bought the previous night and drank water. Ooops I forgot to tell you people one more thing. As we were in hurry that morning we forgot to carry bottles of water. At last all we had is a bottle of water borrowed from locals at Abango. So we drank the water without wasting even a drop of it. Trek continued... After few minutes, we had to trek uphill literally at an angle of 70 degrees forcing our knees to do the job. Initially the body co-operated moving forward in 2nd gear but later we had to shift it to 1st. Lactic acid was building up. Body started losing water and salts. We rested now and then. The luggage was pulling us down due to gravity. At last we reached a small plain area where a small water source was available. It was almost afternoon and the guard who came with us told that we covered only 20% of the distance and had to move still faster. As everyone was hungry, we took out Maggie and cooked and had it.
Trek continued. Guard with the other two of his friends told us that they’ll move ahead to the lake fast and make arrangements for us so that we’ll be comfortable when we reach the place... He told us that he’ll leave signs for us in the trek path in which we had to travel at the bifurcations. We agreed for it and they took and went the ration that we brought with us to make the arrangements for us. I, Kuldip, Parimal along with Biron continued the trek. Our body got exhausted and the energy levels went low. The Water which we carried also emptied. We continued our trek and the inclination kept on increasing though few plain paths were there here and there. It was about 5.30 in the evening and was completely dark. We switched on our focus lamps and trekked further. Finally we decided that we should camp at some place as we might lose the path. We rested at one place and gathered firewood and had a camp fire as it was too cold even. Two of us got busy in putting up the camp fire and other two in arranging the tent. We had a doubt if we were lost in the jungle. Thanks to BSNL here. One of my frens had network in his mobile. So we thought of calling a senior at my institute to know if we were on right path are not. I took out my GPS and took the reading of the location. Then we called the senior and asked if we were on right path to the lake r nt. Bad luck the mobile got switched off due to low battery. Luckily parimal had an extra battery and we were happy. We called the senior again and he told us that we were on right path and had to cross one more hill to reach the place using Google earth. We were happy. But the mouth was getting dried up; lips were getting cracked due to lack of water. Stomach started growling. So we took out potato, burnt them in flames and ate. We also had a bit of glucose powder and chera (Atukulu in Telugu made out of rice (Rice flakes)) though we knew that it dries out the mouth. Upay nahi hai. Bhook lag raha tha. After which we slept in the tent. I was a bit scared because it’s a Sun bear prone area. Bears and elephants are the two things that I’m a bit scared off. So I had a very little sleep. I kept an eye on the camp fire throughout the night.
Next day morning, we packed everything and continued the trek. Our body was not at all co-operating. If one can remember the heavenly rays falling on tom in cartoon Tom & Gerry, such was the situation. We felt the heavenly rays were welcoming us. Mouth got totally dried up. After few minutes of uphill trek, parimal got a bottle of water which slightly had a smell of kerosene (Hunter’s usually keep bottles of water hidden at places in jungle). We had no other option to keep ourselves alive. So we had to cut a bamboo, pour water into it and boiled it after which we had few sips of hot water. Then we collected some leaves which are edible and that supplemented a dose of water to our body. The area looked very dried up. After further trek, we reached a place called Gahori (Gahori meaning Wild boar in Assamese) camp and we were tracking the route using GPS this time. We heard the calls of the guard and the other two in response to our calls. We felt very happy and rejoiced thinking that we almost reached the camp... But the tragedy was that the guard in search of us was returning back. We were upset hearing it as he wanted to leave the place. After a talk, he understood the situation and took us to the place. There we had to stay in an old wooden hut constructed by forest department and was in a very bad condition. It just had single room where we had to cook and sleep. The next day morning the guard and the other 2 frens of him left. We four stayed and enjoyed the place.

The lake is at an altitude of 1700mts approx situated in a valley. It is surrounded by lush green hills and snow capped mountains in the backdrop of them. The mercury stayed low and never raised. It was around 2-3 degrees C. There were frequent hailstones whenever it rained. Much info about the area and wildlife will be discussed in the article which will be coming soon. And you can go through it. All we had for food was fern, Banana ka phool, rice, some leaves etc. One thing is that whatever you cook and eat in the jungle it’ll be tasty. The final day came and we started our return trek to Abango. This time it was still more difficult trek as the gravity pulled us down while walking downhill.  And often we slipped and fell as the soil was loosen due to rain. Finally after 9 hrs of trek in the evening we reached Abango and rested there in a local’s home, where I had some more experiences. Let me tell about them later. Bye for now. What I realized from the trek is hard work pays off and also the importance of food and water. Tata…

"Experiences Have To Be Experienced..."

                                                                          - Murali Krishna.