Friday 2 September 2011

Role of Indian Festivals in Conserving Wildlife. A thought that went through my mind...

India is a country of traditions, beliefs, sentiments, emotions etc. We have many festivals that pass throughout the year. For example Durga pooja, Sarswati pooja, Ganesh chadurthi etc etc. What i thought is instead of government and NGO's special efforts to protect and conserve wildlife goes in vain a lots of time due to hunting by locals. What exactly can be done to conserve them? I thought of a solution, which actually is a thought and might workout in our country. Many of the tribals and locals involve in hunting wildlife. But many among them believe tradtions and beliefs. So why can't be the efforts made to do campings in such areas during festivals. Like on Ganesh chaturdhi go with a concept of conserving elephant and xplain the people about the importance of it. On durga pooja, go for campign to conserve tigers, on sarswati pooja go for water birds conservation campign etc. So that it actually reaches the locals due to sentiments and their beliefs. What do you say frens and xperienced persons. Please do reply.

1 comment:

  1. your idea shud be cherished, as it is new to the reality... but initiatives to be taken in real and conservation all along the way to success....
