Monday 31 October 2011

Fate of a Researcher:

Who is a researcher?
No need to search for him as he is everywhere. You’ll find him in every walk of your life.  For example: Today you use your face book account. 2mrw when you login again, you’ll find some changes being made in your FB account. You feel relaxed and say “thanks god now I can do video calling even on FB”. How did it come from? It’s the researcher (Software) who made it easy for you. This is just an example. 
Literally the original research that is being done is useful to everyone in one or the other way. But the problem is the attitude and approach of the people towards a researcher. Many people insult saying, “what research dude”? “What is it useful for”? Those idiots’ don’t even have the right to ask such questions (Problem is that even qualified people ask such questions). We hear a lot like “How much do you earn”? Oh so less.. Ok! “How many years will it take to complete”. Oh! so many years! Ok. So after that, “what will you be doing”? So and so.. “If you won’t get it”? “I’ll be doing post doc”..  “For how many years”?  Some -- years. Oh! is it so.. After that, “What will you do next”? “Arey yaar.. Us ke baad mai kya jaanta hu”. I feel like asking them, “What will be you fate in the next minute”? “Do you know”? No one knows the answer. But many people ask hundreds of non sensical questions. 
At times I feel.. Is it the inability of the government to provide scope for a researcher or is it written in the fate of a researcher that he should suffer? The government pays the lazy officials so much and a researcher gets so less. Government pays an office boy with salary much more than a researcher. Why is this negligence? No answer. But who is the one who really works hard? It is the researcher. Because it such a position where one should use their own brain and no one can bluff and move further (some might do as everything has + ves and – ves). 
Whatever it might be I’m happy and proud to say that I’m a researcher. Because I use my own mind and I work hard to achieve my goals.

Friday 28 October 2011

Jungle Tales: Open Season One (I)

Jungle Tales: Open Season One (I):

This time I would like to write the xperiences of Jungle tales of Arunachal in the form of a movie story. This will have the introduction, interval and climax. Let me start.
Name of the Movie:

Jungle Tales: Open Season One (I): Of To Namdapha… Let’s rock in the Indo-Burman Border.

Murali Krishna (Me), Parimal Ch Ray..

Other Actor’s:
Biron in and as Field Assistant
Rego Chakma as Local Field Guide
Gopal as cook 1
Gogoai as cook 2

Special Appearances:
Daamdoom (Blood sucking flies)
Biting Spiders
Kujli patta (Itch leaves)

Music, Photography, Story, Direction By:
Murali Krishna.


We would specially like to thank Airtel, Forest Department Arunachal etc.

It was in the afternoon when the bus that goes to Jagoon (a place bordering Assam and Arunachal  Pradesh in eastern portion of Assam) arrived, at the network bus center in Nirjuli. We boarded the bus and travelled to Jagoon.
The next day morning at Jagoon, we hired a vehicle to reach Miao, which is the headquarters of Changlang district, Arunachal Pradesh. There, we stayed at circuit house and did all the works related to forest department like getting permits etc.
The next day we started to travel to a place called Deban in Namdapha. We had to cross a Nala (stream) on the midway, which doesn’t have any specified direction of flow as it keeps on changing randomly. Somehow we managed to cross the nala as both the
heroes (Introduction) and Biron came into action. We reached Deban, pitched tents over there as we couldn’t move further into the jungle.
Here comes the other actor into the scene called rego chakma, who usually is called a gandagol aadmi by us as he uses this word a lot. The story begins from here:

The work started with two shifts, one in the morning and the other in the   evenings(late). The work went on well with trekking n climbing hills. But one evening we spotted an animal in the night and I along with biron were focusing on it. Meanwhile Parimal used the liana (woody creeper) to reach the spot and tried to observe and photograph it. I too thought of doing so but thought if the liana breaks it’ll be difficult for parimal and rego to reach back. So I dropped my idea of climbing up (heroic thought). The adventure starts from here.

The next day we had to reach a place on the other side of the river for which we had to raft till a point and then have to cross the river on foot. I and Parimal helped the boat’s men to fill the air in the rafting boat. Then we reached the point from where we had to cross on foot. The water current was so strong that it started pushing everyone. But atlast we crossed the river with some struggle. We reached the place trekking uphill. We completed the work over there and at around 3.00 P.M. we moved back to reach rego’s basti. By evening we reached rego’s basti where we met his family and from there we moved back to deban.
After 2-3 days we thought of going back to a place on the other side of the river. But this time we had to go along with the local guards and foresters. We walked along with them till a point and then took another route on a work. After the work was done, we had to return back to the river and my guide took a route which was so difficult to reach the river bank. We had to walk down the hill. The mud was loose and our shoes were slipping. It was really difficult to get the grip. We made it somehow.

The other day we trekked a long distance and were about to return back to the camp. On the way we saw the route being blocked by an adult and a baby elephant. We thought they were wild ones. But I knew that they were not and even the others realized it. Rego the local guard said that they were mischievous elephants and might even attack and injure at times. We too felt so as there was a baby elephant. When we moved ahead the elephants blocked the road and tried to move towards us in aggression. We had to take another route as it was getting dark. But taking other route was difficult as
one side is uphill and the other side the downhill covered with thick bushes. Then…


Let us meet after a break

Chaiii chaii, Cool drinks, coffee, Samosa.. Oops sorry. Lal chai, Thanda paani..

So somehow we took the uphill route n tried to escape from the elephants. But to our bad luck the elephants overtook us. We had to come down to the road as there was no further route to overtake the elephants, but it was steep. Somehow biron and rego got down. I had to get down followed by parimal in the last. I took the liana to get down but to my bad luck I lost the grip and was hanging at about 30mts from ground. Finally I made the way down to road with parimal. Then we took the downhill road and I lost the route as I
was late in following them. But it was so bushy that I got bitten by spiders, rubbed against the itch leaves and finally made the way to road. Bad luck.. The elephants were ahead of us. We just waited. By that time someone came along the road in bolero. Those elephants had a weak point. They were afraid of vehicles. They gave the route for the vehicle and so we too got a good chance to escape from them. Due to itchy leaf, there was a burning feeling on my hand when ever coldwater splashed on it. It took 3 days to feel normal.

The next day evening we went for the night walk. We reached a point and were observing some nocturnal creatures. Suddenly I heard some barking sound which exactly would be 100mts away from us. Firstly we thought it might be a pack of wild dogs. But we knew that wild dogs are not so vocal. Then we heard the call again and again. It was a call made by the barking deer. But it mimicked wild dogs. The same day we heard a cry of a bear which could have be around 200 mts away from us. Was bit scared as the bears are very aggressive at times. But we couldn’t trace it out. Last day was gaana bajana by the local guide, cook and by some guards. We joined the troop and hummed with
them. But it was nice eating the bark, leaves, fruits etc which my local guide offered me to eat. They tasted like tamarind, mirchi, halwa etc. What not I even ate makai chatni, bamboo curry, fern curry, boil, banana inflorescence curry etc. Still a lot..

The days passed on, also some tourists came and went, chatted with us, got some info from us. It was nice helping them by giving some information related to sightings etc. Finally the day came, we had to return back to Itanagar as the field session came to an end. We reached Miao and from there to Jagoon and from there to Banderdewa (A small town of Assam bordering Arunachal). After reaching banderdewa we understood that there were some local riots and the buses were not moving... So we had to walk to
university which is 10 kms from banderdewa. It is combination of plain, slight uphill followed by downhill road. Carrying 35 kgs of luggage we walked all the way crossing the fallen trees etc. We reached the hostel after 17 hrs of journey and 3 hours of walk. Happies Endings..

                                                              THE END.

Possible Movie Review:

The director didn’t mentioned about the special appearances like leaches and daam doom.

The reason is that they were present at every situation of the story.

The reason for making it short was not to make the audience feel bored.

The reason is it, is an adventure story.. lol..

Rate it out of 5 points viewers.

Friday 2 September 2011

Role of Indian Festivals in Conserving Wildlife. A thought that went through my mind...

India is a country of traditions, beliefs, sentiments, emotions etc. We have many festivals that pass throughout the year. For example Durga pooja, Sarswati pooja, Ganesh chadurthi etc etc. What i thought is instead of government and NGO's special efforts to protect and conserve wildlife goes in vain a lots of time due to hunting by locals. What exactly can be done to conserve them? I thought of a solution, which actually is a thought and might workout in our country. Many of the tribals and locals involve in hunting wildlife. But many among them believe tradtions and beliefs. So why can't be the efforts made to do campings in such areas during festivals. Like on Ganesh chaturdhi go with a concept of conserving elephant and xplain the people about the importance of it. On durga pooja, go for campign to conserve tigers, on sarswati pooja go for water birds conservation campign etc. So that it actually reaches the locals due to sentiments and their beliefs. What do you say frens and xperienced persons. Please do reply.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Land Slides and River out breaks:

It was about 3.30 in the morning, my alarm started beeping and I had to get up... Oh oooo sorry sorry... I din tell you people why I had to get up right??? Even my family members and many of my friends will be surprised to hear that I woke up so early in the morning. And I did so as I had a reason. That day I had to travel to Parshram kund (Lohit Dt, Arunachal) from Itanagar in order to attend a meeting of forest department the next day. And it takes nearly 10-12 hrs to reach that place from Itanagar. Ok coming to point now. I just got up from my bed very lazily and got ready by 4.15. It was raining heavily that morning. At around 4.20 my mobile rings and it was the call from the person who had to pick me up from my hostel to take me to Parsharm kund. On phone he tells me that “there were few landslides on the way to nirjuli (where I live nearly 18kms south of Itanagar) and will take quite a time to reach there”. So I thought of going back to my bed and did so. Again at around 6.15 I get a call saying that they have reached and were waiting just outside my hostel. So I had to hurry up and finally took my chatri (umbrella) and reached the bolero. We started our journey and hardly would we have travelled 5-8 km where we saw that the road was blocked due to landslide and it was pouring rain even.  So my driver thinks that he can turn back the vehicle and park it so that we can start our journey after the slide is cleared. We just parked the vehicle and few seconds later the slide happens just in front of the vehicle and it was my 1st xperience of watching a slide in my life… The huge amount soil just rolled down the slope pulling down all the trees and bamboo thickets. It was terrifying scene. Immediately i told the driver to turn back the vehicle to go back to nirjuli as it is a safe place and also it was even raining which may lead to few more slides. The driver turns back the vehicle and starts driving. We reached nirjuli. I just recollected my past travel route to reach that place and told the driver that there is another route to reach Assam (as we had to travel through Assam to reach Parsharm Kund). I just told my driver about the route and we started travelling through that route. In the middle of journey, we saw few cars stopped. We just overtook them and saw water flowing from the mountains onto the road and cars can be easily washed away by the flow. As it was bolero, the driver jus drove very fast and we reached the other end of road quickly without any problem. The travel went on well..
After 10km of travel, we just stopped the vehicle once. Can anyone guess why? Dnn know how many of you can guess, it was another obstacle this time it was a river outbreak. Only trucks could drive across the flow. So we just waited. Slowly all the vehicles behind us disappeared in silence. An army Gypsy somehow crossed it. Looking at it the driver of our bolero got the courage and wanted to cross. But there was another gypsy infront of us and it started moving before we did. So we just waited for our turn to our surprise this time the flow of the water has increased. Gypsy just started drifting and was about to disappear in flow. But the driver of that vehicle jus showed the courage. He managed to break the vehicle put it on a back gear brought it back on to the position and then somehow managed to reach the other side. Looking at this our driver withdrew his decision of crossing it. After few minutes we made our minds and thought let us do it. The driver puts the 1st gear and drives the vehicle to the other end and it took fraction of seconds for us to realize that we reached the other bank and that too so safely. Anju Bharadwaj who was my co-traveler was much tensed and even we were a bit but never showed it on our (me and the driver) faces.
We travelled quite a good distance and there was another river outbreak. This time a JCB comes for the rescue. It repairs the path and we crossed the river quickly. We reached Assam and were a bit relieved from one tension (because we entered plains and there will be no more problems of slides). The journey went on. It looked like someone cursed are so. This time the connection between the road and the bridge jus cuts down infront of our vehicle. And we had to stop the vehicle. I got down the vehicle and started observing surroundings.  The highway was built a bit high than the surroundings. The level of water on either side of the highway was about 4-6ft high from ground.. Anju Bharadwaj told us that there was some flood problem prevailing in Assam that time. The road looked like as if it was floating on the surface of water.. After some time the road was repaired and the journey went on well.. We reached a place where we had to cross the e river (Short cut) on a ferry and it was such a scenic beauty. It was a good journey then after. We reached Parshram Kund at around 8.30 p.m. and the next day meeting went on well.. That very next day we had to return back to Itanagar so we started our journey. It was a bright sunny day. The journey went on very very well. But the driver who came with us never travelled to Itanagar and was new to Arunachal. We reached Arunachal Gate at around 7.45 p.m. It was dark and it started drizzling. Soon the drizzle changed its phase and started pouring. Look at our bad luck we just reached the road surrounded by hills and it started pouring again. It rained so heavily that even the vehicle high beam lights hardly could focus upto 4-5m. Even the front glass was covered with frost. Though how much ever we cleaned the glass the frost formed again and again. And it was such a dangerous curvy route that even we din had the thought of stopping the vehicle keeping the landslide in mind. . The other tension was about the driver as he was new and dinn had any idea about the route. He might just think that the road is ok and might drive the vehicle down the valley. So I told the driver that I have the idea of the route and jus he has to follow my guidelines. I guided him and finally we reached the final destination very safely. I skipped some more adventures that we did as it takes too much time to xplain. But really to say I had very good xperience.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Turn off Ur Pop Up's... My Xperiences in Arunachal during my 1st Field study..

Actually I hate writing.. But I dnn knw.. I felt like writing my xperiences in Arunachal those are really funny. Before starting, let me tell you all one thing “All the characters and incidents that appear in this post are true (Filmy way of sarting).. Peh ;)
I actually thinking like writing it in the form of a research paper..  Aaaa… Let me start.

My 1st Xperiences in Arunachal Pradesh..
Author: 1st: Murali Krishna.C, 2nd: None.

As I’m from south India, I used to hear a lot about the northeastern portion of India saying that the forests are pristine, rich in wildlife etc etc(Citation needed)(May be Murali et al2011).. But I had never been to these places before... and the time finally came in December 2010 when I planned to make my 1st field study for my project...

Key Words: Kathra hai re, Asisa hai na, Bhoo khoo, Bondhar etc etc..

Study area:
Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh... I came to know that many people belonging to tribes like IDU, ADI, NISHI etc inhabit this area...

Material and Methods:
No specific methods and materials were used (Murali et al2011)..  These are all the series of Xperiences..

Results and Discussion:
I started my travel to Roing town in Lower Dibang valley dist in Dec 2010 from Itanagar in Network travels... It was a very cool day and my field assistant asked me to put some warm clothing so that I’ll be comfortable during the journey… And the journey started.. The next morning at around 4, we reached a place called Teensukia from where we had to get into other bus to reach Roing town. And finally we got into the bus.. It was about 5 hours journey, where we had to cross river Brahmaputra in a ferry.. Finally at around 11:30 we reached Roing town.. And there we met a local who actually has to help us in Local field assistance.. And from here are the series of Xperiences that have occurred..  The local field assistant reached the place and started assisting us.. He asked us to buy the grocery needed as we were supposed to stay in the field site which is away from town. So we had to travel using the local transport.. He asked us to keep the luggage in the transport and asked us if we had our breakfast r nt.. We shook our heads and he took us to the restaurant.. Then I asked the local assistant if it was safe to leave the luggage in the transport and go. He said “ Ye hamara area hai.. No one can cheat you come let us go”.. Looking at his confidence we went to restaurant and had breakfast.. For my Surprise after reaching the taxi stand, the local gaadi was nt there.. I was looking at the Local assistant in anger, he took the bike and told me that "let me go and search for it " I was asking my field assistant wht if luggage was lost. Should we complaint in local police station.. he said.. Donn worry chewing taamool… Yeh why should he be worried I would be responsible if sm thing happens.. I was telling myself “Murali  All is Well All is Well”(Thinking inside Sala Ye tho Sirf movie me Amir Khan he Bhol Saktha hai).. Finally The Local Gaadi arrived and in such a small vehicle (Tempo) nearly 33 people were loaded even on the top and hanging on the sides ( Mai soch raha tha Arey Gibbons tho Yehe me hai.. Let me Join the group).. Then the local guide told let me take you on my bike and  let the field assistant come in the transport.. Ok I said. Finally we reached the place(Field site)..
After reaching the place I understood that we we had to stay in a local’s home.. It was a thatched hut and lots of local wildlife was around it.. Field work went on and once a local head (Actually nt bt pretended as so) called us to the kitchen which was adjacent to our room and was asking about the details like from where we were etc etc I dnn know he thought like let me check out this boy like from where he is and started talking in this way bhooo thooo naaa moo and it sounded to me like a Korean movie without subtitles and I made faces . Then he started saying muah bhoo hoo and listening to that, I was surprised and asked my field assistant "what is he saying muah muah is he saying like does he wants to greet me in French kissing style on cheeks.. let me run from here", my field assistant said no no laughing.. Then the person understood that I din get him.. He jus spoke to me in Hindi and left..
When we were in field session sometimes we had to talk to locals about the presence of gibbons.. The people said “ Khya aap Bondhar ko pakudenge khya” (me thinking inside.. Kya hum bandhar pakadne waale jaise dikthe hai.. God kya halat bangaya).. Then some say BONDAR cahiye kya.. Idhar pe Dhuniya bhar ka kaala bandhar milte hai( Me thinking again.. Dhuniya bhar ka bandhar hone se hum logonko kuch kaam nahi hai kya unhai doondne ke liya).. One night the head person of the home who actually never disturbed us came and he was drunk. He knocked the door at around night 9.. Then we got up asked him like what’s the matter.. He took us out for a walk and said “ Khya Bhai log aap tho raat me room me gus ke itanaa jaldi soojathe hai.. Ye jail nahi hai.. Aaap logonko njoyment bholne se patha nahi hai, mai thum logonko njoyment boolne se kaisa hoga dhika doonga” and started singing like crazy and my field assistant started dancing (Me thinking inside.. Arey jisne India me Major cities Kho deka hai metro life ka experienced hai and jungle me kais enjoy karna hai  oo bhi patha hai.. Ye aake ham logonko njoyment ke baareme class deraha hai ok let him) and I also joined the tune..
One day I was trying photographing the gibbons with my 26x zoom digi camera.. One localboy came to me and was observing carefully I asked him do you want to do the same he shook his head and was excited.. I taught him like how to hold and how to take the pic.. He said “ Aap log tho kathra hai.. Idhar see utana dhoor ka photo keench sakte hai” I smiled and said yeh… The he asked “ Kya aap log Bondhar pakdneke liye aaye hai kya”..  Oh god same question.. I was thinking do we look so and left the place saying no.. That evening we were cooking the food and the head women of the house came and sat beside us asking like how the work was going on and we said it was gng on good.. Then we asked her to taste the food that we had cooked. Then she started laughing loudly and it was a giggly, woogly, jiggly, paagley riggly maagly tuffly kind of laughter I was a bit scared (I even hear the sound sm times in my sleep making me scared) and then she says boys cooking and asking me to taste, funny but good.. laughter continues like the lighting and thunderbolts in the back ground..
But any how I njoyed the field work the people were good, friendly sometimes even over friendly and over affectionate that they called us to work in their paddy fields.. But I loved the place the people over there.. It was nice spending some time with such people who really have a different look of life, Njoyment etc etc.. I hope I din hurt anyone writing this post as I always respect the local traditions, local religions, language etc etc.. And this post is just to share some funny stuff..

Ihar udhar ki bathe wagey ra wagey ra..

I wish i would like to thank my field assistant, Local Field assistant, my co researcher, Local house head etc etc. But why should I ?????

Nonscense stuff.. Mural Krishna 2009, Null publications.
Never it was there.. Mural Krishna 2010.  Infinite non sense publications..

Ok people enough reading get back to your work..

Caution: Reading is Injurious to health (Nonsensical post)